Consultancy Leadership Masterclass – Videos

Introduction to the Course


What are Levers?


Introduction to Balanced Consultancy


Now work your way through each of the sections. Happy Learning!

Module 1 – Structure

This Module covers Scale, Organisational Models, Consultancy Functions, Employee Models and Hierarchy and how consultancies use permanent and contractor resources


Module 2 – Executive Leadership

This Module introduces the SIGMR model of Executive Leadership and its constituent elements – Setting the Direction, Strategic Improvement, Governance, Operating Model and Representation


Module 3 – Divisional Leadership

This module introduces the A-TEAM model of Divisional Leadership and its components: Aligning the Strategy, Building the Team, Evangelising the Vision, Devolving Authority to the team and Modelling Leadership Behaviour


Module 4 – Local Leadership

This Video introduces the APPROACH model of Local Leadership and its constituent parts: Atmosphere and Culture, Planning, Monitoring Progress, Reporting on Progress and Coaching the Team


Module 5 – Financial Management

This Video covers key elements of financial management in a consultancy including: Types of Money: Profit & Loss, Budgeting, The Effects of Utilisation, The Contracting to Invoicing Process, Rates Management and Cost Control


Module 6 – Consultancy Operational Functions 

This video covers the key operational functions of consultancy: Talent Management, Workforce Management, Business Enablement, Business Development and Client Management.



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